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From the Newspaper Ad Archive | 1899


I came across this 109-year-old ad yesterday, and it complements the post about growler delivery pretty well, so here it is.

As someone who occasionally writes advertising copy for a living, I love the simplicity of this slogan. No one sat at a desk and agonized for hours to come up with "Fitger's Beer is entitled to a place on every dinner table in the city." And yet, that really says it all.

By the way, I'm sure someone at the newspaper wrote all or most of the ads, because right below the Fitger's ad is one that reads: "Duluth Imperial Flour should be in every home."


I often get confused by the Random Capitalization in old Ads and newspaper articles.

Not random at all. It's all about the Nouns.

Yeah, you know -- nouns. A person, thing or ... "place".

when I was doing demolition in the basement of the Fetus before their renovation, I found lots of newspapers and stuff with random capitalizations and such...I think it was more of an emphasis on importance...perhaps it was simply a parlayance of that particular time period. Diction, Vernacular and Grammar are constantly evolving.

Also, in the Post Victorian Era, the Dinner Table was a very important Thing in Family Life.

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