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National Day of Prayer

He died for your sins, now he's back for your brains.

Lake & First

"Hi. Would you like this bottle of water?"
"Ok. Today is the National Day of Prayer. Is there anything you would like us to pray for?"
"Pray for the zombies to come."



The Bottle of water?

Hmmm, anyone else think bad thoughts when they read "Pray for the zombies to come"? ;)

Hmmm, anyone else think bad thoughts when they read "National Day of Prayer"? ;)

Holy bottle of Water. If the Zombies don't come, you'll be prepared for the vampires.

i hear they upgraded from water to granola bars..

I heard they will do anything for your believing in something that isn't true.

Can't people get together and do community things without having to believe in the supernatural?

somebody gave me a bottle of water on the national day of prayer too. said she was out trying to bless people in practical ways. here's another practical way they could bless people: don't bother them with the national day of prayer.

Handing out bottled water is more like cursing the planet. Do they know how many of those things end up in the ocean, choking sea turtles? Or how wasteful they are of petroleum resources, contributing to global warming? Oh, but then again, I guess we don't have to worry about these things since the rapture is on its way.

But...but...can't God just make some more sea turtles?

I love Jesus!! =]

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