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Monday Night Board Gaming


Last week was a rousing game of Ticket to Ride, what will it be this week? PDDers and PDD lurkers will be meeting again at Dragon Port Games at 6:30 on Monday and we'll play whatever people bring. If you've never played any board games you should still come!! Whoever knows how to play the selected game(s) will teach everyone else. Perhaps we can round up enough people to play two games at once. So definitely come out, I'd love to meet everyone.

Dragon Port Games & Comics is located at 3 South 4th Avenue West, between Michigan and Superior (it's sort of underneath the sidewalk, don't worry, you'll find it!)


This illustration definitely merits the Geek King Seal of Approval.

You can't be busting on George Marshall.

Mel et al, I may be late or a no show for gaming tomorrow depending on how dinner plans go.

Alritey, good luck with your dinner plans! ANYONE going to come join me??? Come on, guys! I can't play all by my lonesome...

What do you mean? There is always solitaire!!

I doubt I will be there because of W getting his vax today and his need for some mommytime. I will be back next week! :)

Thanks for a great night Lawrence & Adem. Despite getting my arse whooped. The room can always use some estrogen. ;-)

Hopefully see you guys, and everyone else, next week!

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