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"It's a Suck-Fest!"

lucie1.jpgLucie Amundson, frequent contributor to PDD, is featured on this week's In the Loop story slam about "Your Achilles' Heel" with her harrowing tale of trying to sell her home. It starts at about timecode 10:00 and runs just under 5 minutes. It's hilarious. Kudos to you, Lucie. I hope you sell your house soon so you can join us here in Duluth.


Lucie-- I loved your story on Story Slam! I actually listened to it twice and burst out belly laughing both times upon hearing the "speculum" comparison. I think living in Duluth will make all those dirty specula and the horrible task of home selling worth it! Hope your home sells soon! Congrats on your performance-- it was AWESOME!

good catch, funny story

Oh my. I wasn't expecting to see this post (with THAT photo) when I did my daily check in to PDD.

Thanks for the shout out & yes, may I be Twin Port bound soon.

BTW: Here's the house that perspective buyers are trashing on the walk thrus


Seriously beautiful home, Lucie. Exactly the kind of place I'm lookin' for for the boyfriend and I after grad school. Definitely the kind of area I'm lookin' for too, close to the city. Right price range, too. I want more of a fixer-upper, but hell, I could find some projects I'm sure. Unfortunately 2 years left of school! :( Doubt you want to wait that long -- haha. Good luck with the sell!

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