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Graffiti on the side of the Armory

taken with my Blackberry...


When I was 15 and in driver's ed class, I found written on the desk " is an it".
Rather than cross it out, I scratched out the "n" and added "bch".
From that moment, I had reclaimed my name and who I was.
" is a bitch"

Ooops, that doesn't really make as much sense when the brackets get taken out...

When I was 15 and in driver's ed class, I found written on the desk "|my full name| is an it".
Rather than cross it out, I scratched out the "n" and added "bch".
From that moment, I had reclaimed my name and who I was.
"|my full name| is a bitch"

Doesn't there seem to be a lot of graffitti going on lately? Seems like I've been seeing more than I used to.

Which is a difficult thing, because I never remember how many f's and t's there are in graffitti, and so it's hard to talk about. *sigh*

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