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From the Photo Archive | May 1998


The College of St. Scholastica held a mud volleyball tournament a decade ago. Maybe it's a spring tradition that still goes on. I don't know. I must have taken some action shots of the game, but if I did they are in serious storage. The only photo I thought was special is this filthy young couple having extra curricular fun. I wonder if they're still together.


it is indeed a tradition that still goes on. I'm not sure if it's still in the spring, or if they moved it to fall, but I have a friend that went to Scholastica and I know he partook in it.

It's part of the annual Mayfest celebration, and the volleyball game is called "Oozeball." I never joined in or even saw an Oozeball game when I was a student there, for some odd reason.

I love mud. That looks like fun.

Mud love lasts!

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