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Duluth Herbal Study Group


Herbal Study Group PDF Download

Herbal Study Group 2008 Schedule

May 18th - Herbal Nervines Materica medica

June 15th - Herbs, foods and practices for insomnia

July 20th - The Medicinal Rosaceae (Rose) family

When? The study group meets 6-8pm in Lincoln Park the second Sunday of each month.

How do I sign up/get there? Please call Celia at 218-724-1685 for the meeting place and directions.
It is at my home, so I’d rather not give my address out on the web.

What is the herbal study group like? During herbal study group, people throughout the community
who are interested in herbalism and using plants as medicine meet to discuss, listen and share their
resources, knowledge and experiences about the monthly topic. This is a free, informal group and
beginners to advanced herbalist are welcome.

Basically, the group is free-form and based on who is attending and their suggestions. We will talk
about the monthly topic which can be materia medica, specific conditions, plant families,
herbal actions, preparations ect… Herb walks are scheduled though the summer but we may do
some during group as well. I will prepare at least one tea related to the topic for all the try and
reflect upon.

What is the herbal study group not?
The study group has a common goal of promoting
herbal learning and wisdom within our community. It is not intended to treat individual people
and their health conditions. If you are looking a health consultations, we may be able to make a
referral to health care practitioners in the Duluth area.

What should I bring? How do I prepare for study group? It will be helpful to bring your favorite
herbal references, a notebook, or whatever else you need to help you learn. Feel free to take notes
in preparation to share for the upcoming group, but it is not required. Snacks to share are always
welcome! You may also be inspired to bring some herbal preparations or herbs to study group
that relate to the topic, for us to try or smell.

Duluth Community Supported Herbalism
Contact Celia at 218-724-1685
[email protected]


Just so you know, if you Google your own home phone number, it brings up your address and everything. That is, only if you're in the phone book.

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