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Chester Park Home For Sale

1002 N. 13th Ave. E.


This sunny, classic 1916 Arts & Crafts style home has been lovingly maintained on the inside and freshly painted on the outside by some of Duluth’s finest musicians--including a mayoral sibling! (Take that, GFNC!)

The Specs:

• 1,200 sq. ft.

• 3 Bedrooms

• 1 Bathroom (with original claw-foot porcelain tub)

• 120 sq. ft. 3-Season Porch

• Bird's-Eye Maple Hardwood Floors

• Oak Woodwork (+ Built-In Bookcases and Hutch)

• Clean, DRY Basement (I&I program completed)

• Spacious Corner Lot

• Privacy Fence, Backyard Patio, Gardens

• Annual Taxes: $893

• Half-block from Bus Line

• Two blocks from Chester Creek

• Half-mile from UMD/St. Scholastica

• Appliances Stay with House


Interested? Email me at tonyx [at symbol] x-communication [dot] org


Sounds and looks very nice, Tony. (But mine's $20K less - and a mayor beats a mayoral sibling, aces high.)

It's probably more in the 100,000-115,000 range.

EXactly one block away from our new abode.

Our presence in the neighborhood alone should cause the property values to drop precipitously. Wait til we close on June 30 and Tony'll pay you to take the house!

This makes me miss Duluth even more (wouldn'ta thought it possible)... Here in Minneapolis, $150k will get you a crack house, but only a small one. Or an empty lot, as long as it's not in a desirable neighborhood.

Here's an idea... Tony, if you find me a job in Duluth, I'll buy your house. I'm looking for something in the plant biology/natural resources field. Salary unimportant, except that it will have to be enough to make payments on the house ;)

Ding-dang opinionated PPD'ers takin' over the neighborhood--looks like I'm moving right in the nick of time!

Seriously, Zra, we'll still be neighbors, but I'll be just a few block east (I'm assuming you picked up that nifty corner place with the sleepy upstairs windows on 14th).

Elbow, I'll start checking the want ads for you, but keep in mind a lot of us up here have had to create our own job realities to live in this frozen paradise.

yup...sleepy upstairs windows and brewery-compatible garage space. first order o biz is a sandbox fer th youngins.

rolled past this afternoon and saw an open house (? round sixish?) dealio...

nice to know who my neighbors are.

Why are your windows sleepy?

Hey RightElbow...I've been looking for a Web Developer position in Duluth for 3 years now. However, I made the move to paradise and "commute" from Duluth to the Twin Cities. It's worth it!

ChesterDark -- I win the telecommute prize, I telecommute to NYC!!! I love it, the bosses are 1,500 miles away and though what they pay me wouldn't even buy me a broom closet in NYC, I can afford a home and a little, little office in downtown Duluth. Telecommuting is the way to go in the 21st century, so you can escape the madness and still earn a living wage,

Hey Tony:
So musicians painted your house? What's the name of the company that did the job?


I tried to answer you via email, but it bounced back because your email address was "being abused" (or so said the message i received). So email me a different email address or your phone # and I'll get you that info. (They're not in the phone book.)


AKA Painting. (218)393-4813 in association with Nesstech painting, a comglamerate of Doogla abatement inc,, with a subsiderary to HiemerMiller compound ASSC., in concurance with Livingston umbrella group, and Henry lumbar seating, and over lord help from Starving Artist Painting (SAPS "Not the cheapest, not the most expensive, simply the best. Owned by auteur.

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