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Airshow Preview, Wed. May 14th, 5:30 pm

Canadian Snowbirds Airshow Preview“Air Spectacular over Duluth”
The Canadian Forces Snowbirds

May 14th, 5:30 pm to 6:05 pm

Enbridge Energy in conjunction with the Richard I Bong WWII Heritage Center proudly present “Air Spectacular” featuring the Canadian Forces Snowbirds. The event will take place over Lake Superior in Duluth along the City’s famed Lakewalk. This FREE 35 minute performance will mark the first time the Snowbirds have performed in Duluth in more than 15 years.

The best viewing areas are on Duluth's hillside, Leif Erikson Park, Canal Park area, and Duluth's Lakewalk.

Tune into 94.1 FM in Duluth for live narration of the event by the Canadian Forces Snowbirds.


Unless it's really crappy out, we are so going to be there. I think we'll be by Leif Erickson bowl.

Check the local news for any additional information. Snowbirds reps will be interviewed on WDIO morning show, 6:15am.

I was really annoyed when I realized this was going to be ending just as the NMTC race was supposed to begin. Then I realized that, duh, the race is right off Skyline: synergy!

Party on Sisler's roof!

Sorry ... we won't be in Leif Ericson park, not with wienies, anyway. But if the weather is pleasantish I do hope to be there incognito with my girlies enjoying the show, myself.


;) Speedy!

Strange that a military public relations ploy with a huge carbon footprint can be so pleasing to the eye. Mission Accomplished.

I couldn't help but think the same thing, speed.

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