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Your Geek Culture Update

geekkingSOP.jpgIn Geek Culture this week the focus is on translation.

shakespeareshades.jpgKevin Pease started it all last week by reimagining a passage of Pulp Fiction as if it had been written by William Shakespeare. This spawned others to do their own translations of Pulp Fiction scenes. Now it's a full fledged wiki with the objective of translating the whole of Quentin Tarantino's iconic film into a Shakespearean play. Here's a sample:

JULES: Speak 'What' again! Thou cur, cry 'What' again!
I dare thee utter 'What' again but once!
I dare thee twice and spit upon thy name!
Now, paint for me a portraiture in words,
If thou hast any in thy head but 'What',
Of Marsellus Wallace!
BRETT: He is dark.
J: Aye, and what more?
B: His head is shaven bald.
J: Hath he the semblance of a harlot?
B: What?
JULES strikes and BRETT cries out
J: Hath he the semblance of a harlot?
B: Nay!
J: Then why didst thou attempt to bed him thus?

cyberjesus.jpgThe L33T will inherit the earth! Mikebert has translated the Lord's Prayer into leet speak. Here it is:
0ǔr $¥$@dM!n, \/\/|-|0 ©|-|!££$ !n |-|34\/3|\|
ph34r3d β3 7|-|¥ |\|@m3
†|-|ÿ p\/\/n@g3 ©0|\/|3, †|-|ÿ $©r!p7$ b3 d0|\|3 !n /earth @$ i7 !$ i|\| /heaven.
$33|) u$ 7h!5 |)@ÿ oǔR d@!£ÿ R0|\/|$.
f0rG!\/3 u$ 0ǔr n00b 3xP£017$ @$ \/\/3 f0rG!\/3 $©r!P7 | R3\/34£ t0 u$ |\|07 Ζ3R0 |)@ÿ \/u£|\|$, βu7 $A\/3 u$ fR0|\/| t3h RIAA.
f0r 7|-|!|\|3 i$ t3h |\|37\/\/0R|<, @|\|d t3h rm -rf*, @|\|d @££ 0ǔR β@$3 @r3 β3£0|\|G t0 j00, f0R3\/3R @|\|d 3\/3R.
Thankfully, for n00bs, Mikebert translates it back into English with annotations. If you are rusty on l337 $|°34|< you may need a primer.

cyberpunkpc.jpgFor the last translation Jake von Slatt reimagines his modern PC into the Victorian age with a step by step guide of his process.

Please feel free to send me nominees for the Geek King Seal of Approval. This concludes this royal announcement.


that computer is beautiful. viva la steampunks.

as for the pulp fiction thing, i'm starting a geek theatre company down here in the cities and this definitely needs to be added to our season.

I skip over here to PDD from BoingBoing in the morning just to see how the self proclaimed Duluth Geeks are doing and holy crap!!! Deja vu!!! I am glad to see that the king of geeks approves of everything they have published up over there then. Any Geek worth his or her Mortons reads BoingBoing.

Glad you approve too, Mick! I read a lot of blogs and bookmark the geeky stuff and try to find themes. It's coincidental that all of these come from Boing Boing, but I'm not surprised. They have good stuff over there. I never said that I personally discovered these items by myself.

As I said in the post, I certainly welcome submissions of geeky finds. Just send them to me at ironic1 [at] ironic1 [dot] com.

'3r3 1 4m JH, 7h3 9h0$7 1n 7h3 m4(h1n3

Lost in translation by my kitten from the Shakespearean version:

JULIES: u sez 'wat'. u bad dog sez 'wat', you see aftrlifenesss.

etc. :)




itz call royale wid cheeze, u goof kitteh.

who bike?

no bike iz chppr

who chppr?

iz zed chppr

who zed?

zed iz ded

That's funny. I think an artistic person --not me-- could condense the film down into a short with real cats. Or, some kind of captioning over the real film.

Oh, interesting too is except for 'ded', 'no', and 'bike', everything in that chppr post had a numerical count of three, including the question marks.

Hmm... the word identities not included also add up to three.

Linguistics, I love it!

Geeky coincidence? I think not! :)

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