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Your Geek Culture Update

geekkingSOP.jpgAs part of my royal duty I have promised to keep PDD abreast of geek culture. So I present my first picks to receive the Geek King Seal of Approval!

redshirtdeath.jpgStatistical Analysis of "Red Shirt Deaths" in Star Trek:TOS - Does reality hold up to the hype? How dangerous is it really to beam down to a planet wearing a red shirt? What can Starfleet do to improve workplace conditions?

elementeo.jpgFourteen Year Old Creates a Chemistry CCG - Elementeo combines the fun of trading card games with the thrill of the periodic table. What's not to love?

steampunk_vader.jpgStar Wars gets Steampunked - Sillof's Workshop does a mechanized, Victorian take on A New Hope.

Please feel free to send me nominees for the Geek King Seal of Approval. This concludes this royal announcement.


Wow, ironic1, nice logo.

Sweeet! I loved the steampunk Star Wars!
Geekily anticipating your next posting. :D

LOL! That's awesome!

go forth and spread the geek my son

The Statistical Analysis literally made me snort. I'm glad that such a worthy effort is being recognized.

I only made it to the "red shirt" analysis which was quite enough for today. Beyond all of the statistics, beyond the breakdown, beyond the charts and diagrams ... beyond all of that is the fact that someone actually watched 80 of the episodes (as I have likely done over time myself) but not for entertainment like me and everyone else, he apparently went through 80 hours of Trek SOLELY to analyze the death of red shirts and all of the circumstances surrounding their deaths ... That is truly geeky. I'm tempted to say that this could be the pinnacle of geeky, but if you're spending a whole year on this then I have a feeling you'll find something else that will dwarf even this example.

wow! congratulations. i knew you would one day be king.


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