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What did you think Duluth?




The vocalists were amazing! Overall, I was very impressed with the show and would definitely go again given the opportunity.

The vocalists were amazing! Overall, I was very impressed with the show and would definitely go again given the opportunity.

The vocalists were amazing! Overall, I was very impressed with the show and would definitely go again given the opportunity.

So amazing I had to say it twice!

And just for the record, I only clicked the Post button once!

Duluth really didn't like Mike Relm...which is a shame.

Mike Relm played again this year? I thought he was awesome. Stupid Duluth ;-)

Mike Relm was the best part of the show.

As far as Blue Man, I thought that the business with the masks and the running around the apartment building was a bit melodramatic, as were almost all of their lyrics... none of which I can recall right now, but I swear, that's what I was thinking the entire time.

I can't take things like that seriously.

I thought it was GREAT!

I'm just kidding. I didnt go.

I love reading reviews of my career choice. I was wishing I could have come home for the show and gave my coworker/friends a tour of my homeland! (I work for the Chicago production of BMG)

I thought the show was great! It was my first time going. Mike Relm was just ok, probably just my personal preference. I enjoyed parts of it, but dang, the treble was piercing at times from those horn tweeters which made it hard to listen to, especially when he was scratching. I think the highs could have been dialed back a bit which would have made it more enjoyable. My 2 cents anyway...;-)

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