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Missing Dog: Brittan

Hey guys, I read this blog a lot but don't really post, but now I do hoping for a little help. Our family dog Brittan went missing this evening around 14th Ave E. and 10th St. After searching for several hours we had to give up due it being incredibly dark and foggy.

He is 15 years old, and his senses are failing. He may not respond to calling his name (Brittan) because he can't hear well. He is about 35 pounds, and as you can see reddish color with a white stomach. He should be wearing a green collar with all his info on it. If you find him please either call the number on his tags, or email me at [email protected] (or you can just comment on this entry I guess)

Thanks for you help, if you have any questions about him because I forgot to mention something feel free to ask.


On my way past the 8th street bridge over Chester Creek this morning I saw three or four people sitting by a very wet, exhausted looking dog the same color as yours (this was on the northwest side of the bridge. I didn't stop, however. I noticed that one of them appeared to be snapping a photo of the pooch with their camera phone. Sit tight, and I would expect that photo to be published somewhere. I'm at least 50% certain that the dog I saw this morning was yours. Sorry I can't help you further.

Yeah, those people ended up calling us. We (and our neighbors) went up and down chester creek a few times without seeing him at all, I guess we're lucky that someone did find him. Right now he's at the vet warming up. I guess he's got a little gash above his eye from some mischief he got into but otherwise he should be fine.

Thanks so much for posting with some info. I really appreciated it. Hopefully he'll be fully recovered soon.

Tough little feller. Hope he's all right.

Poor puppy! I'm glad to hear that he's coming back home ok after an exciting journey!

It's good to hear some truly good news once in awhile. restores my faith in humanity ... and community

He's home! He's rather woozy, but he's walking and as soon as he got home he walked straight to his dog dish so I think thats a good sign. Now it's a matter of trying to get the stubborn fella to lay down and warm up.

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