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Homegrown on KUWS this Thursday

Hey everyone! A few of us who volunteer with Homegrown are going to be on 91.3 KUWS this Thursday at 10pm with DJ Walt Dizzo giving away a couple free week passes and some Homegrown Rawk and/or Roll: Starfire's MIx CDs. Call in and ask us all your questions about the festival, or just listen in as we spill all of Homegrown's secrets.


I thought BoyGirlBoyGirl was going to be playing on this show. If so, let it be known!

Please tell me somebody has a recording of this or it's archived on the web... I wish I could have heard it.

it's recorded and when i find time to put it online i can let you know where to find it - it was a pretty fun show

awesome. can't wait to hear it.

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