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Best watched while drunk, if at all



because its ridiculous!


Thanks for explaining.

Looks like Danny Does Duluth has infiltrated the realm of bad YouTube videos.

There is 3:14 I will never get back.

Hmmm.... 3:14.... and Pi is approximately 3.14... and the clam type thing is circular... and he spins around and around...

Perhaps the filmmaker is making a statement on the nausea brought about by irrational numbers in a world which seeks the knowable. We are all throwing up in the microwave because of the ineffability of it all!

Or not.

I'm glad to see that the money we saved up for you for film school has really paid dividends. Your subtlety is only outdone by your complexity. I nominate you for a "Berv" award dear sir. Bully to you!

p.s. the only thing lacking was a mustache and a pen cigarette...you know.

I think this video is incredibly well done. So much can be said about this poor encephalopod. If I knew his dimensions, I might knit him a winter jacket to keep him warm, and fill it with non-skanky women for his delight.

I think this video is incredibly well done. So much can be said about this poor encephalopod. If I knew his dimensions, I might knit him a winter jacket to keep him warm, and fill it with non-skanky women for his delight.

I think this video is incredibly well done. So much can be said about this poor encephalopod. If I knew his dimensions, I might knit him a winter jacket to keep him warm, and fill it with non-skanky women for his delight.

I think this video is incredibly well done. So much can be said about this poor encephalopod. If I knew his dimensions, I might knit him a winter jacket to keep him warm, and fill it with non-skanky women for his delight.

I think this video is incredibly well done. So much can be said about this poor encephalopod. If I knew his dimensions, I might knit him a winter jacket to keep him warm, and fill it with non-skanky women for his delight.

This poor little encephalopod. If I knew his dimensions, I could knit him a sweater and fill it with slightly-loose but honorable women for his delight.

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