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2nd Annual Bike Swap this weekend

2nd Annual Bike Swap!

The 2nd Annual Bike Swap will be held this weekend, April 19th & 20th, at Continental Ski & Bike at 1305 East 1st Street. It takes place from 10am-4pm both days, and you can pick yourself up a new bike for cheap, or sell a bike you no longer need.

On top of being able to find a great deal, you're helping out a great cause...the United Way. 25% of your purchase or your sales go to the United Way of Greater Duluth.

There's other great things going on at the swap, too, so either check out www.continentalski.com or call (218) 728-4466 for more info!


Bob Collins, over at MPR, is looking for people who ride their bikes to work, apparently as part of a story on higher gas prices.

Also, from what I've heard, free helmets for the young ones (15 and under I do so believe).
If you get one for your kid, please make sure you have one too so you can set a good example!

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