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Walter and me.






Awesome looking boy! CONGRATS TO YOU & TAMARA!

Oh, I so remember those first few weeks with newborns when it seems the whole world stops. Black & white / sepia seems very appropriate for these moments. Great pictures. Hope you get some sleep on your giant family bed, you deserve it.

oops, i forgot the byline...

all photos by tamara. she's pretty damned good with that thing, no?

Congratulations for taking a moment to get such nice photos of your beautiful boy.
When my first child was a baby, my husband and I got a few warnings that because we co-slept, we'd "never get the kid out of our bed."
I now have three kids, and they're all sleeping in their own beds just fine. Sometimes I wake up and find the 3-year-old came back sometime in the night. I'll miss her when she stops doing that.

Save copies in a dozen places. Even when the kids get are old and gray, think of the memories that these images will spark. Beautiful photos!

The baby's adorable, but who's the scary looking guy?

Just a joke! - but it reminds me of the David Sedaris story about his brother's kid, and how he and his wife looked like "kidnappers of an heir to a cashmere fortune" with their fancily clad young-un.

I've turned many kids photos into a year's worth of story using Shutterfly's photobooks. It's an electronic scrapbook. What's great is that when one gets wet or lost, you just re-order it. Lots of places have them like Mac.com and even Target.

Just me, my baby, the futon, a kilo of coke in a plastic bag.

And here I thought it was a bag of wipes! He really had me fooled!



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