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Open House - Sunday 2-4

21 E 5th 009 (Small).jpg

21 E 5th St.
Fantastic new construction with superb view of lake superior! Women In Construction built with energy efficiency in mind (meets mn power tier ii requirements). Amenities include: maple kitchen, deck, apartment in lower level (lr, dr, kit, br, bath), fiber cement siding, garage & osp in rear of lot, appliances (stove, fridge, dw). Live in the owners unit and have someone help pay your mortgage. This quality built home offers so much - see for yourself on Sunday.

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Looks nice...Too bad this comment isn't very related to the house itself...
Is the agent's last name really Norlander? He can never move from Duluth now!

I noticed one of the pics (of the deck) was taken in the summer, and it made me suddenly realize that no, we do not live in this winter hell for much longer!!! Thank you for the ray of hope!

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