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Greg Mortenson to speak at UMD

Three Cups of tea.jpg

Couldn't get a ticket for the Duluth Public Library's event?

If you would like to hear Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea speak while in Duluth, this may be your only chance!

Alworth Institute for International Studies Special Event
Presented by Author Greg Mortenson
Montague 80 Lecture Hall
University of Minnesota Duluth
Wednesday, March 19 2008 - 2-4 p.m.
Free and open to the public
Reception following lecture

*Please email [email protected] if you have a group of 10 or more attending this event.*

In 1993, a young American mountain climber named Greg Mortenson stumbled into a tiny village high in Pakistan's beautiful and desperately poor Karakoram Himalaya region. Sick, exhausted, and depressed after failing to scale the summit of K2, Mortenson regained his strength and his will to live thanks to the generosity of the people of the village of Korphe. Before he left, Mortenson made a vow that would profoundly change both the villagers' lives and his own-he would return and build them a school.


Hello. I have the rare promo reissue of dj abilities entitled "finally". also eyedea and abilities "first born" and "for persons with dj abilities" these are all on CD. not sure if you were looking for vinyl but i don't have any vinyl.

Hello. I have the rare promo reissue of dj abilities entitled "finally". also eyedea and abilities "first born" and "for persons with dj abilities" these are all on CD. not sure if you were looking for vinyl but i don't have any vinyl.

Three Cups of Tea is an incredible book. So much insight and very thought provoking, I suggest reading it if you have interst in global conciousness.

Greg Mortenson is a fuckin' saint, he's like St. Francis, walking among us mere mortals. I love his ideas about promoting peace -- making friends with people, working with them -- instead of killing them. He rocks the casbah, his book should be required reading everywhere. 3500 people in the area total went to at least one of his 3 events in the area. How cool is that?

We had 333 at out event, so it was good we changed our venue from on that housed 75!

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