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And if we can't, well, there's always...


thank you for helping me throw up

oh come on...that's not nice. i know the wiggles are hella annoying...hell, our kid watches this stuff incessantly it seems and yeah, you'll eventually catch yourself singing Wiggles tunes (think: The Hustle...only much much worse, stuck in your head for eons and eons and eons...)...quack quack quack quack...cock a doodle doo...(repeat sixty times)...

but...at least they're trying to send a somewhat positive message to kids.

i'll admit, i know far more about the wiggles than a man of thirty seven really should...but to their credit, most of these guys used to be in an Aussie hard rock band called the Cockroaches.

You have to wonder how people like Fred Penner, Raffi, or Sharon, Lois, and Bram made our parents feel. I kind of remember some of these people from when I was like 5 and it couldn't have been much better for my parents.

I totally forgot about Sharon, Lois & Bram! (The child's version of Peter, Paul & Mary!) Woo!

And in the Wiggles' defense, how many bands do you know that have fit the word "horticulturist" into a song?

Always reminded me of Star Trek: the Musical. I just wonder if the red-shirted guys get killed off.

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