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Lunar Eclipse


It's started. Go out and take a look.


It was fantastic! The first time I saw the moon look RED.

Humility washed over me as I looked at the moon last night.
When I see beauty in the world I am hopeful that others have stopped and are enjoying it too.
Don't you think that if someone is staring at the marvelous moon or the wonders of nature that hate stops for a moment?
Yes, it's sappy, nostalgic Thursday!

That was really something...

We watched the first half of it on the chilly beach, and the second half back home. It was really neat.

Beautiful photo!!!

Live by the Copper Top Church. Stunning view of one of God's stunning creations. Refelected on The Lake.

There is no God. Discuss.

(hee hee)

vicarious, you're a facetious rascal!

That big old moon, and that big old lake, are all the God I need.

For further study, read Barton Sutter's essay: "God". Just a small exerpt below - the whole thing is much cooler.

"One of the many pleasures of living in Duluth is that you have to look at the lake a lot," writes Barton Sutter in his 1998 book Cold Comfort: Life at the Top of the Map. "You might only mean to get some groceries or a hammer from the hardware store, but on your way you see something so grand, so terrible and beautiful, that you absorb your daily requirement of humility just by driving down the street....I finally realized that the lake was God."

i've heard of at least one person of the atheist variety who uses the Lake as her higher power when called upon to have one in AA type circles. seems apt to me.

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