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It's Saturday Morning, 1974...


The Super Friends starts in just a couple minutes. You have to make a choice now. What's it going to be?


Quisp, followed by two bowls of Count Chocula and Crunchberries!

I got up early to watch Charles Nelson Reilly on Lidsville, so I need the sugar to keep on keepin' on!

wait two years to be born.

What I want: Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries.
What mom buys: granola.

If it's 1982, I'm gonna go with Ka-booms.

I'm with Kitsune on this one...she beat me to it!

Super Friends? Pffft! THUNDAR!

My wish was for Cap'n Crunch, but the closest we ever got to that was King Vitamin.

I distinctly remember preparing myself a bowl of Lucky Charms that consisted entirely of marshmallows, and never being allowed to eat Lucky Charms again.

Cocoa Puffs. Funny, the last thing I watched last night before going to bed was Superfriends on Cartoon Network.

I grew up in Northfield, MN you would have been hauled out of town if you ate anything bu Malt-o-meal. http://www.malt-o-meal.com/index_en.php

Well, in 1974, I was -3... so let's move it ahead to 1983... and the answer would have been Trix, if we had sugared cereal in the house, which didn't happen very often.

Even at the age of 5, I thought Cocoa Puffs were disgusting. I did eat Trix, though. They would've been my third choice, after (#1) Crunch Berries and (#2) Frankenberry.

But any of those were Special Treats.

The most probable option would've been Cheerios with the addition of a big spoonful of sugar. Bonus: The sugary sludge left at the bottom of the bowl, far superior to the remains of any pre-sweetened cereal.

Mmmm.... sugary sludge. *shudders with the memory of sugar induced jitters*

That goddamned off-brand puffed wheat.

Quisp! Or Freakies!

Anyone remember Halfsies?

Quarry. It's not grown, its mined!

Cap'n Crunch for sure. I also remember eating cold hot dogs while watching the toons. I was a weird kid.

Quisp and King Vitamin! Coincidently both cut the roof of my mouth - brings me back to the SNL/Danny Ackroyd's Bag o'Glass skit. good times
Least favorite - any cereal my mom would sprinkle Wheat Germ on!

I seriously have a Quisp ring in my jewelry box right next to my grandmother's diamond earrings...


After getting off work at 6 am, I'd have half a pack of cigarettes and a couple of Blatz in the stubby bottles. Snorin' by the opening credits of Lassie's Rescue Rangers.

I too wasn't around till 76' but Cap'n Crunch Crunchberries.. I can still feel the cuts in my mouth from that fiberglass sugarfilled treat.

If these are my choices, I must have spent the night at a friend's house.

Sugar Smacks with the perforated 45 record cut out of the back side of the box. The Archie's "Sugar Sugar". and of course the Bugaloo's and Johnny Quest.

Cap'n Crunch with Will and Holly and the Sleestacks.

weirdly, my mother only bought us Trix, of those choices. (God, i loved the Superfriends.)

also, the chocolate crispies cereal with the elephant... what was that? by the time i was seven, it was Chex of all its infinite varieties.

Lucky Charms was only allowed at Grama's house for two weeks in the summer.

In 1989, when I was 6, I more or less spontaneously started making scrambled eggs for the family every morning. But I remember really liking Life cereal too. And granola (yeah, so what???).

1969- maybe 6am, The anticipation of a cartoon filled morning was too much to resist. I'd turn on the portable black and white Zenith in the living room, nothing but test patterns (4 ch's?), except for CBS which had a program called Sunrise Semester (not a cartoon), with some Prof. lecturing on a certain subject (no wonder I hated college). That just gave me time to load up a bowl of Crispy Critters, adding fuel for the Sat. morning marathon which lasted until American Bandstand. After which I'd be tossed out of the house for chores or play.

I was a young-un in the early 90's but I remember cereal being quite a big deal. I enjoyed King Vitamin a lot because of the cut out mask on the back. i have grown up and can't leave the house in the A.M withou havinge either Grape Nuts, Great Grains, or Raisin bran now....I am now a little sad.

Yup, gotta go with the Malt o Meal version.

"Colossal Crunch" though it probably didn't exist back then.

Captain Crunch, always my first choice. I dunno why... it just has a hold on me, even now! Thankfully, the cold hot dogs don't...

2). Honeycomb
3) fruity pebbles

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