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Happy Darwin Day!


Mike Huckabee would like to wish you a Happy Darwin Day!

I'm joking of course, Mike Huckabee actually does not believe in science...

(and is it just me, or does it seem like his eyes are looking at two different things?)


I like the fact that the abbreviation for the Institute for Humanist Studies is the same as the monogram for Jesus Christ (IHS). There's a bit of irony for ya.

I'm still voting for Huckabee ha ha.

Alien from The Simpsons (in monotonous alien voice): "Go ahead... throw your vote away!"

[Ross Perot: (punches hat) "D'oh!"]

None are fit to govern over me.

they might not be "fit" to govern you, but they do.

You're right - that eye thing is sort of freaky...

I've been all over the stats at intrade.com for this election, there really fascinating to keep tabs on. Before Romney & Giuliani dropped out I was making plans to emigrate from the country, but not that Obama seems to be in the lead, there is hope for the country...

speakin of Gooliani...one of you suckas owes me six bits. I said he'd be out by Florida.


Nice Youtube video of Huckabee talking about eating squirrels on Meet the Press this past weekend. Enjoy!

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