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DNT Nostalgia Trip


Andrew Krueger of the DNT has started a new blog called News Tribune Attic, featuring photos of and stories about the Twin Ports from the past. There's stuff from way back of course, but I enjoy the more "recent" news items, such as the thwarted A&W drive-in on Woodland in 1998 or the Grand Avenue Holiday station in 1981.

It'll be nice to see how this progresses.



If they're not Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips, they're CRAP!

The photo/essays are great--I hope he keeps it up.

That pic of a 70's era Central Entrance brings back some memories. The Pop Shoppe was the shit back in the day. Walking in there and seeing those vast amounts of sugary, carbonated goodness was nirvana for a kid. How did these places go out of business? Do they still exist anywhere in the United States?

Hey, as a high school student, I worked at Arthur Treacher's.until it closed in 1982!

Do you suppose the Speedy Weenie guy is a descendant of the Weiner King?

POP SHOPPE! At work we often reminisce about the look of Duluth over the years.
I forgot about the pop shoppe! "Carbonated goodness was nirvana..." You hit the nail on the head Chris! Yumm
I was going to comment on the gas guzzlers in the picture but oh I forgot I can look out my window and see all the SUV's burning up the highway.

I did some research on Pop Shoppe and answered my own question. I guess that the pop itself is still available in convenience stores around Ontario. But it doesn't seem like the actual Pop Shoppe outlets are around. There was also a link on their website to an online retailer that sells the stuff. Although they don't ship right now because of the cold weather.


I never saw Duluth in the 70's (transplanted in '94), but I could pick out exactly where that pic was taken!
Thanks for the great photos! I love all the historical views.

No wonder why the Copasetic Lounge smells like dead fish. I thought It was from all the fat chicks that hang out in there.

Starfire should make Weiner King, Arthur Treacher's, and Pop Shoppe T-shirts.

Wow, what a cool idea--I hope he keeps it up!

(The t-shirts would be awesome, too.)

At least the chicks that worked at Arthur Treacher's weren't fat.......

Also in the 70's, the Pop Shoppe in Virginia was inside Piggly Wiggly's. You put in your order and the pre-packed cases would slide down a metal castor plank to your shopping cart. And, yes, in case you're wondering, the only P.W. I know of is up on 40th. and Woodland.

Thanks for the post Barrett - this should be an interesting blog to follow.

Hey...that looks like my first car, on the left. I was probably on my way to get some black cherry and sarsaparilla pop at the Pop Shoppe...my parents still have some empties.

With God as my witness, I swear just last week I was scouring the internet for a picture of the old Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips on Central Entrance. Unfortunately, the opportunity for relevant hilarity has passed, but the irony is still quite savory.

oh my GOD i want them to re-open wiener king... but make it a gay bar.

I have this almost overwhelming urge to go take photos in the exact same locations, angles, etc. Particularly the Central Entrance photo, the Holiday station, and JFK on Superior Street.

Who do I know with big enough balls to pose in the same position as JFK?

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