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Dear Inside of My Car Door and Office Hallway Door:

I've got a favor to ask yas: How 'bout NOT electrocuting my damned arm with a
Thirteen Freaking Thousand Kilovolt shock each time I touch your metal handles this winter, mmm-KAY?!?! THAY-hanks!!!


I thought it was only me, the girl whose hair that looks like that glass ball with the electrical current bouncing around inside.
On another note...I want to express my appreciation for all the new words or PDDisms that I have been exposed to while reading this site over the years.
A couple that come to mind: arse and asshat. But today I believe I read my favorite - PHUCKERZ!!

My computer keeps on shocking me today. Drives me nuts! Especially since it's a new computer and I'm afraid I'm going to fry the mother board of something.

sometimes when my baby reaches out to touch things when i'm walking around with him, he gets a zap and begins to howl, and all i can say to him is "welcome to minnesota winters, kid!"

wholly key-riced in heaven!

I have the same problem! Once my car had shocked my arm so bad it was immobile for 20 minutes.

A few things that may (or may not) help:
-Install a car anti-static grounding strap - this keeps your car from building up too much of a charge.
-Use something metal (like car keys) to touch door handles and such to discharge the static before you touch it.
-Use a personal grounding strap, either one on your shoe, or a corded one on your wrist if you're in a same spot and can hook it onto something.
-Experiment with clothing fabrics & shoe soles. Synthetic fabrics tend to produce more static, and some shoes can be absolutly horrible (my Crocs are almost a hazzard in the winter).

In the meantime, enjoy your new superhero side-kick status. You can now destroy enemy computers buy shuffling on the carpet with your wool socks.

After some reading, here's some "experiments" you can perform to see if you're a static-producing mutant: http://amasci.com/emotor/static1c.html

My sister-in-law was struck by lightning when she was 8 1/2 months pregnant with my niece. We're still waiting for her superpower to manifest itself.

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