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Cookie Monster: The Intellectual


Cookie Monster takes the Proust Questionnaire
(link points to a video version of Cookie Monster's recent interview on NPR)


I saw this interview after hearing it's companion on-air interview and it's definitely worth watching.


That first "it's" should be an "its." I hate it when I do that.

Actually, using the apostrophe is appropriate when it is a contraction of "it is" or "it has." The apostrophe is not used when "its" is used to denote the ownership of something, as in: "It broke its back." I hate it when people correct mistakes that aren't mistakes.

I hate it when people correct people pointing out mistakes, when they actually aren't mistakes.

As everyone knows, Cookie Monster is well-known for his grammatically correct ways of speaking and/or typing.

For example, you would NEVER hear Cookie Monster say "me want cookie" or "outtacookies" or "me no got cookies." Or singing such grammatically incorrect songs as "C is for Cookie."

No, Cookie Monster, that paragon of grammar, that virtuous speaker of the English language would be horrified at the improper use of "its" and "it's" on this blog post's comments.

Hey real grammar police! Is it that you can't read or can't count? The first "it's" should be an "its" is what I said and, by your own admission, is correct. I hate it when people correct my correct corrections.

Its' just pathetic the way some people abuse our beautiful language.

We're out of cookies?

Adam, you gonna eat that s'more?

i like my cookies with a slice of cake.

What's with the eating broccoli? That's not the cookie monster I remember.

And yes, Burt's head would look really nice on a dollar bill.

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