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06 MEH - The Exchange

Here's an excerpt of last thursday's meet up of 06 MEH - The Exchange.


Wow. That starfire guy thinks he was one of the first bloggers


Hey! Look at us trendy assholes have more fun than you losers will ever have! weeeeeeeeeee

I *SERIOUSLY* doubt you could call that group (of which I am included) "trendy assholes." The sheer nerdiness of this video is palpable, and pales in comparison to the ultra dorkiness of the real thing.

I strongly concur w/ Mr. Chase. I've seen most of those people in person and "trendy" is not the first adjective that comes to mind to describe them. I can't speak for the chicness of their individual assholes, but logic would say that their sphincters are as dorky as the rest of their anatomies.

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