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Speaking of old school, remember when scaners were cool? This guy has done the leg work if this is your bag. Now let's start spying on the neighbor.


thanks you Ely-freak! Now all the party-hearty "college" types can freq-scan and find out when I call on their kegger....I'm coming up there and piss a bulldog logo on your lawn.....er you got beer?

Cool! A guy at work just brought a scanner in - this will make the evenings and weekends much more bearable.

Years ago, I asked my dad if he was going out on New Year's Eve.

His reply was, "What?!?! And miss Scanner Night?!!"

I like this part:

"Note: Chs A - E handset frequencies are also used for baby room monitors and low power walkie-talkies.
Now you too can wake up for your neighbors kids 2 AM feedings!"

No .mil or federal agency freqs. [Yawn.]

Scanners were never cool. Gauntlet!

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