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Now this is funny


I just returned from a trip to California. I visited this little town near the Ynez Valley called Solvang. It is modeled after a Dutch town and is surprisingly similar to Bayfield and Grand Marais with the small cafe's and the over crowded knick knack shoppes and all things Scandinavian. I thought some of you would find the name of this store a tad humorous....enjoy!


Once I saw a hair styling salon in a small town in Texas called "Curl Up and Dye."

i'm sure people here have heard of "do me nails" on east lake in mpls.

there's a gas and convenience store in St. Cloud called the "Pump N Munch."

It's better then that Zra, it is a whole chain of gas stations. Seen em in S. Mn and N. IA, and I'm sure they are elsewhere.

Who can forget the Kum & Go chain?

One of my favorite business names is Sanitary Lunch in Rossville, IN. I used to pass by it often when I was living in West Lafayette, IN.

Today Iowans are holding their caucuses.

Sanitary Lunch - should be a better size to view. Sorry for the thumbnail.

stopped by a Quickie Mart once...needless to say, I was very disappointed.

Even better...in the Twin Cities (Brooklyn Park, I think) there's a booze-mart called G. Will Liquors.

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