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This guy has a degree


As of today, Jason Cork is a college graduate.

For those of you who don't know Cork, he once bailed out on a semester of college -- right before finals -- to fly to Duluth and not miss the Homegrown Music Festival.


huzzah and kudos to cork! tonight i shall raise my flagon high to thy good name. what degree?

Congrats, cork, looks like they learned you good.

Woot! I passed the news to Pilon so she can have a parallel celebration with some fancy-pants German beer.

Please allow 7 hours for the time difference. Some patients may experience an increase in nausea and slurred speech. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball. Be aware that intake of beer may lead to excessive bathroom visits. Relax, and enjoy your diploma and thank you for flying PDD Air.

ummm, a degree in what is the question!

JASON! We are drinking Paulaner Salvator from Munich and Bit Burger in your name tonight. Felicitaciones! Ich gratuliere! Let me know if we can meet you in Poland for further revelry after you coach some elite young skiers. And hey- I want to know too- a degree in what? HUGS from us. And Martin says "Hey!StickYaTongueOut! Let's see..." Love, m


Do you know what you can do with a degree in exercise science?

a) Coach cross-country skiing
b) Start a local newspaper (see: Brad Nelson, Ripsaw News)

Twelve-and-a-half years well spent.

By the way, can anyone beat that? I started in August 1995 and finished ... uh, yesterday ...

Nice work cork.

I started in August 1995 and will be done in May '08... not a continuous undertaking though. Three schools, three majors, a half-dozen sidetracks. Do I win?

I look forward to your newspaper.

What'd you minor in? Wearing a Sharpieâ„¢ mustache and punching unsuspecting people in the face?

dude... the cool thing about you becoming the official "Head Homegrown Music Festival Cross-Country Ski Coach and all-time Newspaper Publisher" is that we have already put out the red boxes to hold your newspaper. We have even put the stickers on it... Your version of the Ripsaw is ready baby!! Here's to you bro!!

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