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Staying home is the new travelling

"If I could turn back time..." I would (and I would post this a week ago).

Haus Meeting is wrapping up a week-long "tour" of Duluth, which included such venues as:
The Mall, Mr. Movies, the Holiday Center, R.T.'s, and the Reef, with a show at Beaner's tonight.
Show's at 8, with opening band Red Mountain (who?)(They're new, and eXtremely cute!).
The show is FREE, although the tour's goal of raising money and/or food for the CHUM foodshelf
has been reached in a mediocre way, at best.
Who says nobody wants to eat those canned yams in the boondocks of your cupboard!?
Also, we would love to sell some tour t-shirts (thanks Starfire!!) and cd's and give the proceeds
to the foodshelf. Check out the video (from Mr. Movies on Monday), then come see the real thing tonight!!
And bring a box of mac & cheese!!


"I am here to rent movies, I am unfazed by art."

Nice Festivus sweaters. And nobody took their pants off: best Christmas present ever.

that was amazing.

mad props...that was sweet.

yall are hot. the sweaters are not. great job on the guerrilla tour!

Okay, totally cool - great job Haus Meeting & Bob reading - great music - I especially liked the people shopping for movies around you all

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