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Scenes from a mall.

I think he wants to shake your hand.Something ain't right with these two.
And something really ain't right with lil' Pip here.Sleigh ride.
Oh my god--I love, love, love that they're still using the same Christmas decorations at the Mariner Mall that they had up when I was an impressionable little kid, 20+ years ago. Man, these bring back memories. Rummaging through the overpriced clearance bins at Kay-B-Toys...watching my big brother throwing his money away at Aladdin's Castle...throwing my money away on bric-a-brac at Prange Way...all because my parents were too scared to drive over the "big bridge" to the mall in Duluth.

Ah, those were the days.


OH, Prange Way, I remember that. And I remember being a greedy kid in the toy store there too.

Strange, strange memories.

What's with that mall being so creepy? I have real memories of that place when people actually went there! And it felt kind of like a real, live mall at the time. There was food at the kiosks and people that stood around the fountain...Now...it's just...bizarre.

Ahh yes...and I remember how the Miller Hill Mall turned their center plaza into an elaborate display with the little huts filled with animated characters and private puppet shows from Santa. Those gingerbread-man tears definitely did not taste like frosting.

I loved the Miller Hill Mall displays as a child. Too bad they are no longer used. Wonder what happened to them.

is it me, or does the figure on the top left look a lot like Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mister Rogers?

Lady Elaine was waaaay uglier than that doll. She was downright frightening.

I absolutely loved peeking in the tiny windows of the Miller Hill Mall displays when I was a kid.

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