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Rump Made for Running

Rump Made for Running.jpg

Here is my nomination for the design for "Duluth Rump Runners" t-shirt--what better mascot to have than a dinosaur wearing camo that could outrrun T Rex? The photo is from this week's Weekly Guardian summary that I just received in the mail--covers the hadrosaur mummy recently discovered with skin and muscles intact--and it definitively proves that Rumps Made for Running are effective evolutionary tools for survival.

My favorite quotation from the article:
"Dakota's [that's the cute nickname they've given the mummy] fossilised rump gave them [those nutty scientists] more data to go on and they estimated that it could have done 45 km/h. 'That's faster than the T rex, but that doesn't surprise us. Bill put it eloquently, 'T Rex is just running for its dinner. This animal was running for its life,' he said."

Here's a link to the on-line article, but it doesn't have the same, absolutely relevant headline:


I'm no artist, so I can't do the design, but I nominate old "Dakota" as the official rump running mascot!


Done, I think? Is it correct now?

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