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PROVE ANDREW OLSEN WRONG and come out to this show at RT Quinlan's TONIGHT

It's a sad fact of our modern times. RT Quinlan's used to be the single best place to go for some music and some drinks. For whatever reasons, they've decided to cut out the live music almost entirely over the past few years, much to the chagrin of all of us old codgers who have fond memories of doing bad things up in the "green room." It is now a much more rare occurrence, but when RT's does decide to switch on the juice and crank out the rock, I feel it's the duty of every patriotic rocker and booze hound in the north country to come out and fuckin' rock.

Now I obviously have a vested interest in getting people to this show. But let it be known that it's not because I'm getting paid. I'm not. No one is. This is a benefit for the Toys for Tots foundation. You know, those guys that give toys to kids who don't have any. I also want people to show up and have a great time out with their friends, because that guy Andrew Olsen is a douchelord. I know it's not his fault. He has to sell ads, and the only way to do that is to move papers, and the Reader isn't going to move based on the quality of its content alone. I know he doesn't really mean all the negative garbage he's forced to write about how the local music scene is worthless, uncreative and boring. It's just fuel to get people like me talking about the Reader. Mission accomplished.

Nevertheless, it's damaging to the spirit of our town. Since there aren't any other local rags that can compete with the sheer mass of the Reader, one has to assume that visitors to our area will look at it as a faithful representation of our area. That is why we, as music loving citizens and right minded people who love our area, must go out to the one place in town that still knows what it means to play a fucking rock and roll show.

That place is RT Quinlan's.


RT Quinlan's - Duluth
$5 at the door or BRING A NEW TOY


I highly recommend that you go out to Chris Monroe's Holiday Art Show and Party at Starfire's place, then stumble on over to Quinlan's to get much more drunk and rocked.

Thank you.

(See, I can get attention by calling people names too!)


thank you for using douchelord. And even in the proper context. My main observation is WTF? Why, after all these years, does Robby put the kaibosh on the best loacl music venue?

Because the majority of bands will come in, ask for sound, free beer, that the doors be taken care of, that R.T.'s promotes it and then pays them.

Robby has consistently told me that he's fine with one event every two to three months--at the most.

"thank you for using douchelord. And even in the proper context."

Is there even an IMproper context?

"Because the majority of bands will come in, ask for sound, free beer, that the doors be taken care of, that R.T.'s promotes it and then pays them."

What else should bands do? I mean, other than promoting it around town, can anyone seriously expect more from a band, other than putting on a good show? If everyone in town thinks that a venue is awesome, isn't it in the best interest of the venue to do all of the above?

On the other hand, NOT doing anything is pretty easy too.

Bands sound like more of a pain than a money generator.

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I agree Adam. If a venue does not have an in house pa, it can cost them anywhere from $150 to $500+ for it, with a sound tech. Add roughly $100 to pay the door people, lost cash flow from guest list, and finally at least $30 for wholesale prices of drinks for the band which really equates to at least $100 in lost sales. So, by the time the show is over a venue owner and/or promoter can expect to dish out anywhere from $375-$700+, not to mention the band(s) guarantee, especially, if it's not covered by the money made from the door. What started off to be a simple show can cost anywhere from $500-$1000 easily. Sure it's the standard for bands not to share any of these cost/ responsibilities, and sure, all the bands should have to do is rock but, if the band does not bring in the crowd to re-coup these cost the business owner/ promoters end up in the hole. It'd be cool to see bands with a good DIY ethic to help out as much as possible to see that it works. It's a sad fact that the scene, just like many other things is contingent on how much money it will or will not make.

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