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This is what we call "Meatloaf on a Bun"

anchor6.jpg"One of the best places we've been in years," is how Jane and Michael Stern described the Anchor Bar on the Splendid Table today.

"A tattoo does not necessarily mean one is unkind," is one of my favorite quotes from the review.

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I heard that too. I was amused that Jane kept talking about how scary the place looked.

hey...that's Bill...the guy who services our elevator...

There's the Godwin's Law...and then there's PDD's Law. As people on PDD get more and more bored each week, the probability of the Anchor popping up in a thread increases. Mmmmmm....Anchor

Ha thats good, we must all look like world weary sailors. Probably was talk like a pirate day- easy mistake.

Man, I swear I see Bill at the Anchor every time I eat there.

Yes, another anchor post FTW!

AAAARRGHH! I've been meaning to submit the Anchor for review to the Splendid Table and someone beat me to it. To top it off, THE ONE TIME that I'm not listening to the program, it gets talked about. WHY DO YOU MOCK ME, ANCHOR GODS!?!

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