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Just Curious.


From looking at the state's wind map, windmills wouldn't work great in all of Duluth. But they would work really, really great on or close to the Lake. Would Duluth's public (even, or especially, the environmentalists?) be supportive if the only place windmills would work would be on the Lake? If they were placed there, they wouldn't impair much aquatic life (I don't think?) but they would change the view. To some it would be great, but I can just imagine lots of people who would speak with an angry look in their eye about how the windmills would MAR THEIR VIEW.

they'd be a far sight better then those fucking condos by the lake. I more or less consider myself an environmentalist and wouldn't mind windmills on the lake. In Duluth, yeah as you said I don't think their productivity would be all that great.

Are we talking quaint wooden Dutch-style windmills?

Or modern 300-foot power-generators?

Either way: Yes.

I've always thought they should make better use of the Blatnik Bridge by attaching wind turbines to the side of it. So long as they turn slowly enough that they won't kill any raptors, and so long as they don't make the bridge fall down prematurely. Yeah, that would suck.

Ahh, just build a bunch of mini nuclear reactors.

I'd think the bird migration path could be a big issue. But I'm neither an ornithologist nor a wind turbine expert [INAONAWTE].

Thanks for critically thinking Big E. I don't believe there would be too much cohabitation.

Of course I like wind power. Duluth doesn't have good wind resources but there are new turbines that are used in low wind areas. As far as the raptors and bird kill this has been one of the issues, so much so that the dream act democrats led by Rep Nick Radall W.V. and supported by Peloski have introduced H.R. 2337 which could have a severe impact on wind energy.
Taking a look at bird kill from different sources I found the following information.

The leading cause is loss of habitat
Tall buildings and residential windows, 100 million plus
Autos and trucks.60 to 80 million
Lighted communication towers,40 to 50 million
Electric tranmission lines,130 to 170 million
Hunting, 15 million
wind turbines .30 t0 40 thousand
Agricultural pesticides,70 million
Cats, 30 to 40 million
Oil spills hundreds of thousands
Lead posion , unknown
Acid rain and other coal generation Unknown

Here,s something from the Audobon Society.
Add these to the list.
Stock tank drowning ,large numbers

Commercial fisheries. 40,000
Also from another source. Starbucks window , one
In a 15 year study this was reported
Mass. 8 turbines 0 dead
Wyoming, 105 turbines, 75
Canada. 133 turbines, 0
Tehachaji Pass. 3700 Turbines, low
New York. 7 turbines 4 dead
Copenhagen, 2 turbines 0
Penn 8 turbines, 0
Vermount, 3 turbins 0
Altonmount, 5400 turbines, significant raptor dealths
Mn,200 turbines,53

There is a problem but perhaps not as big as some think

I'd much rather see major changes in the way we live than all these desperate attempts to find new and improved destructive ways to keep living the way we do.

Looking deeper into HR2337 Sect 231-235 I do believe I need to retract my opposition which really doesn't matter because I don't think it passed, What I didn't like was that if you wanted to put up a wind turbine on your property you had to to be certified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife ,get an independent scientist to evaluate your site, and be reevaluated every three years. Failure to do so would result in fines up to 50,000 dollars and time in jail. Don't get me wrong, I like birds. I have been planting food and shelter for years now, but the cats get them.

I want one in my back yard. A biggun - like the ones you see on the highway, one blade per semi trailer.

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