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i can't take it anymore!

in recent light of these dipshits:

i've decided to live the rest of my life like this:

just saying......


Huckabee is a nutter, his rise in popularity is a bit scary/amusing. I honestly see little substantive difference between him and the current WH occupier. Different backgrounds, but the same mindset and seemingly the same way of approaching things.
"Vote Huckabee, or else I'll go all Cheney on your ass" Now THATS a voting slogan.

I like to say "Huckabee" using Droopy Dog's voice.

I hope he gets the republican nomination. He's completely unelectable as president, kinda like Romney. Guliani might stand a chance and that's a scary thought.

I hope he gets the republican nomination. He's completely unelectable as president, kinda like Romney. Guliani might stand a chance and that's a scary thought.

problem is, that is the same thing that was thought about Bush. Many people don't give as much weight to the issues as they do to the personality. So, who knows.

I tend to think Huckabee is actually the best candidate on the republican side. I don't agree with him on much (except his respect for NASA apparently), but during the debates he is the only guy that answers the questions in an honest, reasonable way. Since many of his competitors are so obviously disingenuous (Romney) this stands out quite a bit.

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