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After spending a couple holiday seasons abroad, I returned poo-pooing the extravagant, gaudy Christmas displays in America. Now that I have a child, though, I am absolutely giddy about the kitsch and events surrounding this season. I love Christmas in the Northland.

This year the little pirate and I went to "Scrooge" at the Playhouse (btw, really good production), "The Nutcracker" performed by the Minnesota Ballet and Monroe's Christmas show.
But tonight is the event I've been looking forward to for a year:


At:Bentlyville 2006 013.JPG

Ive never seen Elfis, but I absolutely LOVE Bentleyville! Even if Elfis is bad, it's gonna be a good time.

WHERE: Bentleyville
WHEN:6-8 p.m.

Drop me a line if you want to meet up.


This looks like a hoot. :+) I wanted to hit Bentleyville this year, but didn't make it...maybe next year. Maybe Elfis, then, too.

Elfis Rocked!

Elfis did indeed rock. We had a fabulous time. However, we spent all of his first set waiting in line for Santa and then we were too cold to stick around for a second set (if there was one).

This was the third year we've gone to Bentlyville but the first time LP's scored a hat; apparently you need to see Santa to get a hat (only applies to those under 12).

We'll be there again next year when Elfis plays.

He did 3 sets but in between they had the Cloquet Madrigals, (very good in their own right, but a different vibe for sure) - it really WAS cold, though!

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