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We're back in the saddle again!
After being M.I.A. for a few weeks due to technical issues, the northland's favorite podcast is back. REJOICE!
On this episode:
-Danny gives a short run-down of his podcast history
-Ashley and Danny reads some of his feedback about the first two episodes. Features comments from posters on redandnater.com, perfectduluthday.com, and duluthcitizensblog.com
-A reading of the DNT's in-depth article about Duluth's soon-to-be first lady, the amazing Laura Ness
-Ashley plays a new clip from Lew Latto Live



I kind of feel embarrassed for this guy. He seems to be completely unable to judge his own abilities and he also seems able to completely disregard criticism. He kind of reminds me of the contestants you see during the first week of American Idol—clueless.


what? again!?

does he really read the whole article on laura ness aloud? i tried to listen to the podcast but the horrible opening music and babbling made me give up. plus, you know, i already read the paper.

yeah, but does your paper give it that aprofessional nonjournalistic "danny" slant? i swear, danny takes the news and makes it so much more...newsy.

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