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Buy 2 Get 1 Free

Now is the time that the sale starts. Buy any 2 PDD Holiday T's and get 1 for FREE!

If you can't make my regular hours just give me a call, I live real close.


perfectdayduluth - Andrew Saur.jpg



I'll take a couple of the reindeer ones in the next day or two.

What is the limited time price?

I think each shirt is $10, so you buy 2 at $10 each and get one more free.

How much for shipping to 03054?

Ooh, and guess what? There's kids sizes, too! :+) My quasi-nephew Owen's gonna love his smoking reindeer t-shirt.

we purchased Hazel the smoking reindeer shirt! It's way too big for her now but in a few years, just think how cute she'll be!

Damn, I already bought two.

Tamara, hopefully, by the time Hazel's old enough to wear the t-shirt, she'll ask you what the hell that thing is, hanging out of the reindeer's mouth, as cigarettes will be completely passé! (I can only hope).

I've heard of at least one case of a kid getting in trouble at school for this shirt, which sucks and is taking anti-smoking just a tad far methinks. (so don't send her to school in it)

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