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Trick or Treat!

Fargo Ozzy / Zombie Concert Goers Busted in Sting Party

paullaney.jpgAbout 40 lucky people who were going to the Fargo Ozzy Osborne / Rob Zombie concert earlier this week got a special invitation to a pre-party from PDL productions. These people were all special because they had outstanding warrants, were delinquent on their child support, and so on. When they showed up to this PDL party Paul D. Laney (pictured), the local sheriff, was there to welcome them with open handcuffs.

Once again, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

I have to hand it to the sheriff's office there in Fargo. This was clever.

Rolling Stone

West Central Tribune


If Police Chief Wiggum offered you a free boat, wouldn't you take him up on the offer? All roads lead back to Springfield...

That's the first thing I thought of when I read this, too...hilarious.

Serves 'em right for wanting to got a Rob Zombie concert.

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