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New Hand, New Game

Not that baseball is anywhere near played out (I'm pretty sure Paul could last for weeks) but I just wanted to start fresh and remind everyone that there is a gold mine out there in ...

basketball. NBA, ABA, etc. the choice is yours. Personally, I'm partial to the red,white and blue ball...


I open with an Artis.


I've got a box of WCW Wrestling cards, so ... I'm just sayin'.

Damn! Ya got me.

Here's an idea, guys ... let's spam OURSELVES. Maybe after this, we can all telemarket to each other, too.

Thanks for rendering PDD useless to everyone but the four of you.


Knock it off or I'll start posting Serial Killers trading cards.

23 posts.

Twenty Three baseball card posts.

It's gonna be a long winter.

"Here's an idea, guys ... let's spam OURSELVES. Maybe after this, we can all telemarket to each other, too.

Thanks for rendering PDD useless to everyone but the four of you."


I count nine people, not four.

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