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Corn Maize!

corn maze kid.jpg

it's that time again

The Wrenshall Corn Maze (or more properly the Silver Brook Corn Maze) is open pretty much every weekend until Oct 27-29, and then on Halloween from 6-10.

I'm envisioning a PDD expototion...

anyone anyone?


Flashlight Friday might be fun...6-10pm. H. might fall asleep most of the way thru...which might be cool. a little spiced cider, bring a snack...

noncommittal at this point, just trying to formulate.

It should be noted that there is a reward for anyone who finds that child in the picture. He's been in that damn maze(maize) since last October.

ooohhh i love to do the maze.

ok, I talk about my dogs enough already, but I took the boys to a maze one day, there were no folks there so we let them off leash, the yellow bellied clowns got so scared when they realized how quickly they could get lost.

OK enough about my dogs already

The little pirate & I would love to go.

I just called and it sounds like they are closed this year, :(

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