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Colorful Horizons.


Just a reminder that the Chris Monroe T-Shirt show is tomorrow from 5-8PM.

Starfire Screen Printing Co.
1131 E 4th St
Duluth, MN.

In case you have not seen the Duluth News Tribune today there is a nice cover article in the Wave with C. Monroe. She talks about the new show, her children's book and her weekly strip. I for one will attest that the new work is amazing. If you are thinking about buying a Monroe original I would suggest you arrive promptly at 5 tomorrow.

There will also be T-shirts and pennants for those of you on a budget. Hope to see you all there.


I'm planning on being there! I missed her annual Christmas show at Robin Goodfellow this year so I need to get my Monroe fix.

i'm so there.

The Little Pirate is all pumped to go; he's a big Violet fan & read Wave article.

The Little Pirate is all pumped to go; he's a big Violet fan & read Wave article.

Yeah! What a fun show! Loved the pieces Chris had and it was great to see a lot of people I haven't seen in months.

Thanks, Starfire, for hosting.

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