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Dear friends,

Yesterday, my Sprint cellphone fell out of my pocket, landed onto East Eighth Street, and broke into two pieces. Which wouldn't be a big deal!-- except that I visited the Sprint store today, and their cheapest phone costs $180.00. Which is so much more than I can afford.

So-- does anyone here have an old, extra Sprint cellphone lying in a drawer somewhere? It seems ilke everyone has cellphones lying in drawers... Even I do.. Except that they're AT&T phones, I think. Which won't work.

Anyway-- I'm offering twenty dollars and a lifetime of gratitude. Which is a LOT of gratitude.

Thank you...


yes I have one but the screen is shot and doesn't light up.

If this doesn't work, go online and search for used/refurbs. One example... http://www.craytonelectronics.com/spuscephun6.html

You can find used cell phones on ebay.

I've had luck checking craigs list, espcially the twin cities board. most people would be willing to ship to duluth.

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