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DNT to [not] compete with PDD

A few days ago, the Duluth News-Tribune announced its plans to launch Duluth.com.

Executive Editor Rob Karwath described it as a “portal site” geared toward people who like Duluth, whether they live here or elsewhere. ... Karwath said the News Tribune plans to distinguish duluth.com from [PDD,
twinportsnightlife.com, and visitduluth.com] by providing “sense of place” material from the News Tribune, Living North magazine and the company’s community newspapers and by giving users a chance to create their own material.

I don't really think that quote has anything to do with PDD, since PDD definitely provides a "sense of place" and is made up exclusively of user-created material. However, the thing that separates PDD from duluth.com, twinportsnightlife.com, and visitduluth.com is that those sites are built first and foremost to sell ads. If there was no chance to sell ads on those sites, those sites simply would not exist.

Even though there is no shame in making a buck (it's something that most people believe in) I think it's interesting that they cannot come out and say that that is their intention. I'm not saying even that they should say it. I'm just saying that it's interesting that in this type of instance, this or any business simply cannot be honest about their intentions.

Instead, they have to pretend that they are doing this for the community. That, however, is obviously just an afterthought.


I should also point out that while PDD does technically have one ad (for the Transistor) we do not receive money for that ad. It's there because the Transistor simply provides the best local entertainment calendar on the web at this time.

We prefer to call it an interweb portal redirector™.

I prefer to call it Arthur.

I don't believe in making a buck.

I believe in making a better community.


As a lover of PDD and one of the founders of twinportsnightlife.com I'd just like to defend myself for a second. We were also a bit irritated (i'm not sure if that's the right word?) by the comment in the DNT. But in response to your own post here, we started the website completely for the community, with no hope in "making a buck" - but adding ads only made sense. there are about 4 people who make a small commission (i make about $100 a month) from the ads, and the rest of the money goes toward other things - such as our soon to be appearance at Brewfest where we will be giving out free beer. My friend (the developer) and I had no intention of making money off of the website. But the owner insisted. Luckily, we were able to talk him into only selling ads relevant to duluth nightlife. And in turn, it's helped support local business. I dunno about this whole duluth.com thing. Last time I checked it wasn't up yet. I'm gonna go look again. Just please don't hold any grudges about twinportsnightlife.com - i really DO feel it's for the community - and that's why I helped make it - because all through college i wished i had had it. PDD is different. And I love PDD. They are not two peas in a pod. But perhaps two lovers under a sheet. ;-)

i'd just like to add that making a buck can land you in jail. over and out.

Sorry, Mel. I didn't really mean it as an indictment of your website (or any other for that matter). I just didn't like the quote from the DNT.

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