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And a geek time was had by all


Thanks to everyone that made Geeks Gone Wild such a blast!


HausMeetingBob.JPG HausMeetingLuke.JPG TheGallows.JPG

Thanks to everyone at Pizza Luce, with a special tip of the hat to Scott and Jake.

Thanks to Haus Meeting for being so awesome.

Thanks to the Gallows, who I'm sure were great. I actually can't remember anything that happened after about 11 p.m.

Thanks to Amy Abts for filling in at the last minute for Trailer Park Queen.

Thanks to Peter for carrying me out of the building. That's what I'm told happened, anyway.

Thanks to Lisa for driving me home.

Thanks to King Neal and Queen Katy and Barry Pirkola and Zoey Cohen and all the streakers and prom committee members and Starfire and my fellow choir members and everyone who came out and donated to the cause.

May you all live long and prosper.


yeah. we missed you at the flight this morning

i think i know where you left your camera, if you haven't found it.

I second all those thank you's! And thank you Paul for your work on this. My ribs should heal in a couple of weeks from the bear hug you gave me.

It sounds like I missed a really good time. Sorry I couldn't be there. Sometimes it sucks to be employed. Thank you to everyone who showed up and contributed. Probably a good thing I wasn't there. I would have drank my share of the money raised.

So what was the final total rai$ed?

The total raised was $795. That's about 20 percent of what the geek streakers had to pay. Not a bad night at all.

Maybe Starfire can sell some more shirts online to benefit the Geeks?

I think right now you can probably buy one at his shop on Fourth Street.


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