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Say people, knock off the noise



Let's ... clean it up!

Say Maas, where's your goggles?

I am confused. What is happening here? Must be some inside-Duluth, old-timey, had-to-grow-up-here thing. No?

I got ISS in that jerks class, or should I say coming out of his class. I think Ivan P narked on me for having Skoal Bandits. I think Kyle B dated his daughter after HS too.

I got ISS in that jerks class, or should I say coming out of his class. I think Ivan P narked on me for having Skoal Bandits. I think Kyle B dated his daughter after HS too.

Is he the one that had us bring our Jack bottles in for lamp making project?

I got ISS in that jerks class, or should I say coming out of his class. I think Ivan P narked on me for having Skoal Bandits. I think Kyle B dated his daughter after HS too.

Is he the one that had us bring our Jack bottles in for lamp making project?

Let me guess. Shop teacher, early 80s, Denfeld? Hmmm. Central?

Actually, Morgan Park Junior High. And he was a really nice guy, as far as I remember. (I don't think Jeff was sincerely calling him a jerk.)

Of course, Jeff and I and everyone in our class was a jerk, but that goes without saying. We were in junior high.

No he is not truly a jerk, but he did make for a few laughs from all of us.

I'm pretty sure all shop teachers look like that. At least the two that I had. Strange......

Mr. phelps was way cooler with his moustache.....

Mr. Phelps also had cool flannel shirts.

In 7th grade a kid in my woodshop class cut a board an inch short. He asked Mr. Holmes what he should do, and he told him to "take it over to the board stretcher." The kid spent the rest of the hour looking for it. That is pure gold.

Mr. Phelps rules, indeed.

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