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Proposed Contest


DNT made some hay about the mayoral candidates websites.
Looking at them, except for Wrekt, which isn't really mayoral, they're sorta bland (including the one I made).
So how about we up the ante and get in a little contest of our own?
Donny? Ozone? Robert?
What do you think?


Here's the aforementioned DNT article for those, like me, who wanted to read it.

I'm down for whatever.. And thank you again Carla for your comments re: my website. FYI - I designed it all by myself!

The DNT article omits, thereby insulting, the Mr. Nice for Mayor campaign. Let's not forget the first mayoral candidate to announce his candidacy on PDD was Mr. Nice, AND he has the best website of any candidate. Coincidence?


what a faux pas on my part!
so sorry!

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