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I'm just sayin...

This pic taken this afternoon as the CG Cutter made a nice slow drift down the point lingering over the newly discover "wreck". I posted this before for the google earth cover up evidence. Really now...you cant tell me they're really just barrels of hand gernade parts.


For those who don't know, there ARE toxic and radioactive barrels of unknown military waste just off the north shore near Duluth. About 2500 of them to be precise. The contents of 6 of them are known; the rest are classified. Environmental groups and the Red Cliff tribe of Anishinaabe have been calling for the barrels' removal for years. But the media have been strangely silent. This is not a "Gonzo Science" conspiracy, it's as real as the water you're drinking.

If anyone is interested, Nukewatch is having a "Walk for the Water" in conjunction with Lake Superior Day this Sunday at 1 PM starting at Brighton Beach to call attention to the barrels.

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